At the end of each professional development session, I ask teachers to complete a Google Form to gather feedback. Based on results from December, I decided to combine an expressed need for learning more about the SAMR Model with the desire to explore a variety of recording apps. This seemed to be a perfect fit because the ability to create and share multimedia presentations with an authentic audience and purpose is made possible through the use of technology.
Though I believe that face to face sessions are important for building relationships, there are also times when my teachers prefer to be able to learn at their own pace at a time that is most convenient. The week following Winter Break and leading up to Clemson in the National Championship was the perfect time for a flexible session! For this month, teachers were able to complete the assignment posted in Google Classroom on their own or during a face-to-face session.
One of my teachers commented, "I liked the option to do this session independently with the live class as a safety net." Another said, "I enjoyed being able to explore on my own time with the opportunity to meet in person to ask questions if needed. I was able to download and explore the apps on my own time instead of being rushed during our short time together." Several others commented on the ability to learn without time constraint or feeling pressured to keep up with others. Those who attended the live session enjoyed time for questions and discussion!
Teachers got started by watching a
short video on SAMR model created using
Next, they explored the recording apps in the presentation below thinking about how they might use the tools to move toward Modification and Redefinition of the learning task.
To end the session, teachers responded to the question: "What is one way that you might use recording apps to transform learning in your classroom by modification or redefinition of the learning task?" I included the question on my Google Form in addition to the usual feedback.